
Friday, November 30, 2012

November Meeting Minutes

The Gordon Parks School for Inquisitive Minds
P.S. /I.S. 270Q PTA
233-15 Merrick Boulevard, Rosedale, NY  11422
Principal, Chayvonne F. Harper
President, Kelli Coke
Assistant Principal, Lisa G. Allen
Assistant Principal, Rosalie Ambrosio
Parent Coordinator, Patricia Wheeler
Financial/Accountability Secretary, Gina Hampton
Payroll Secretary, Joanne Nix
Pupil Accounting Secretary, Scerento Washington
1st Vice President, Nicole Hammond
2nd Vice President, Terrance Credle
Treasurer, JoAnn Bute
Financial Secretary, Frank Griffith
Recording Secretary, Cecile Hilton
Corresponding Secretary, Florence Duggins
Our Motto:  TEAM:  Together Everyone Achieves More!

                                                                                  PTA Minutes

November 15, 2012

·         Meeting was called to order by President Kelli Coke at 7: 10pm. She welcomed everyone for coming out to the rescheduled meeting.  The membership recited the Pledge of Allegiance and was led in prayer by Corresponding Secretary Florence Duggins.  Mrs. Coke also asked the membership to keep all those deeply affected by Hurricane Sandy in their prayers and be able to lend a hand to those in need.

  • Reading of minutes:  Silent reading of minutes was done  by the parent body; motion to accept minutes as read by Beverly Austin and seconded by Lileith Smith

  • Financial Report:  Financial report was presented by Treasurer JoAnn Bute; motion to accept financial report by Michele May and seconded by Natalie Darby.

  • Membership Drive:  Membership drive is still on going.  Our 1st Vice President, Nicole Hammond reported that remittances of membership dues continue to be a challenge for some parents.  So far, those parents that have remitted, most of them have paid their $100 membership in full; there have been a few who paid in installments.  Some parents have raised their concern on how the money was being applied and how their children were to benefit from these dues.  Mrs. Hammond urged the membership to read the PTA’s End of Year Financial Report which is on the PTA blog and lists all our financial accomplishments for the school year 2011/2012.  If we want to continue to help provide for our school community, then the effort we put into the Membership Drive will ensure we accomplish our goals for this school year.  In addition, the Membership Drive letter is also posted for those who need clarification as to why this Membership Drive is vital to our school.  Parents can also remit their dues through PayPal on the blog.  Mrs. Hammond encouraged the parents to provide their thoughts and comments.  Mrs. Owens stated that $100 is a small contribution for your child’s future and we as parents should plan to set aside the money to honor these contributions on behalf of our children.  Dr. Barracks stated that there will always be that group of parents, “the choir” who understand the importance and will contribute nonetheless.  She emphasized that the PTA’s work should speak for itself and we should continue to keep up the good work.  Mrs. Grant emphasized that we celebrate our accomplishments, move forward and strive to achieve what we set out to do.  When we send home our meeting flyers, we should also highlight the items that the PTA has paid for so parents can see how their money is being spent.  Mrs. Coke thanked all the parents for all their input and led the membership in acknowledging Mrs. Hammond for all her hard work.

  • Presentation by Mr. Mosera, Music Teacher:  Presently, the music program is short of musical supplies for the students.  Middle school students have been playing guitars and the lower grades have been playing recorders.  He then introduced to the membership an online program,, which enables anyone to contribute to a school’s specific request.  Mr. Mosera requested the membership to  donate any amount to the purchase of specific instruments requested by the school .  Our school’s goal is to raise $1700.00 and once that goal is reached, the instruments will be delivered to the school.  Mr. Mosera encouraged the membership to share the website information with all family and friends so that they can contribute as well.  He also asked that the PTA include the information on any flyers we send home with students.

  • School Leadership Team (SLT) Report:  President Coke explained the purpose of the SLT; which is made up of equal number of staff and parents who work together to ensure the school is meeting its educational goals and those goals are aligned with the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP).  There were (2) parent member vacancies which needed to be filled so that the SLT could fully function.  She also stated that students will have to make up the days school was closed due to Hurricane Sandy, however those dates were still pending from DOE.  As soon as the school is notified, the information will be passed onto the parents.  Lunch forms are still being accepted and parents still have time to complete them.  Unfortunately, our school lost its Title I status because lunch forms were not submitted for the entire school.  Mrs. Coke explained that if our school achieved a certain number of students eligible for free/reduced lunch, our school would have been eligible to receive additional federal funding.  The Common Core Learning Standards Workshop has been rescheduled for December 6.  Parents should help their child attain a higher level of learning.  One parent stated that she is not seeing the increased level of rigor for her child in the third grade.  Ms. Allen stated that the first thing to do is sit and talk to their child’s teacher.  Then Ms. Allen addressed the parent’s concerns individually.  Mrs. Coke stated that administration and staff would like to continue to provide both the Earth Science and Integrated Algebra Regents for the middle school students.  In addition, the school would like to implement preparation for the Specialized High Admission School Test starting with students in the sixth grade.  Zumba Classes will be held at the school starting December 13 at 9:00am. The cost is $6.00.

  • Nominations for SLT Parent Member vacancies:  Mrs. Coke opened the floor for nominations of the (2) parent member vacancies.  The membership was instructed that candidates could self-nominate or nominate someone.  The nominees were as follows:   (1) Paulette Diggs; (2) Carolyn Johnson; (3) Nicole Hammond; (4) Maureen Renwick.  Each of the nominees introduced themselves and briefly explained why they would like to be a part of the SLT.  Ballots were prepared by Ms. Bute and Mrs. Duggins.  Ballots were collected by Mr. Credle.  Mrs. Hilton read aloud each ballot while Mr. Griffith tallied the votes.  The (2) parent members elected to the vacancies were Nicole Hammond and Carolyn Johnson.

  • Mrs. Coke acknowledged Mr. Sydney Johnson and those parents (including Mrs. Hilton and Mr. Griffith) who have been doing a great job to alleviate the traffic flow during arrival of students in the morning.  The membership gave a heartfelt round of applause to Mr. Johnson.  He thanked the volunteers who come out to help with traffic flow in the mornings. He stated that they’re there from 7:30am to 8:15am. When the parents drop off their child(ren), the volunteers escort them to the school.  Mr. Johnson still encouraged more parents to volunteer.

  • Parent Suggestions:  Mrs. Coke opened the floor to parents to express any more ideas and concerns.  We especially need suggestions on how we can assist our child(ren) as well as stress the importance of education.  Our child(ren) need to understand that they have to be able to compete with those from other schools and district wide and on even when they attend high school.  Mrs. Grant suggested we can do our own version of “math Jeopardy” for each grade and host it during the evening when parents and students can participate.  Questions can be tailored from the Common Core Learning Standards. Incentives can be given to the students to pick prizes from a treasure chest.  We can generate interest and participation from the teachers.  This will enable the children to learn and retain the information more effectively especially for the upcoming state tests.  Ms. Allen informed the membership of the dance enrichment program presently going on in the school.  Interested students from grades 5 - 8 were asked to participate and it runs for 10 weeks.   At the end of the program, there will be a show. Permission slips were given out to students who showed interest and if a child did not bring one home that is because the child did not want to participate.   A parent inquired why class representatives were not assigned per the PTA earlier requests.  Mrs. Coke responded that we received little to no response for parents interested in becoming class reps.

  • Upcoming Events:  School wide Picture Day is Wednesday, November 21, 2012.  Daddy Cook-off is Saturday December 1, 2012.  Next PTA meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2012.

  • Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.

The Gordon Parks School for Inquisitive Minds

PTA Executive Board 2011-2012


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