
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Councilman's Office Provides $2 Million To Schools

Councilman's Office Provides $2 Million To Schools

It was a Happy Holiday for The Gordon Parks School along with 29 other schools in our District 29 community!  NY1 was there to capture the festivities.
We were the recipients of $50,000 that our Principal Harper has slated for more smartboards and computers for the classrooms.
Chief of Staff Donovan Richards came in his santa suit to spread the good cheer to all. Our students were excited and happy to tell Santa what they wanted for their school this Christmas. More money for their schools.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December Meeting Reminder

                  The Gordon Parks School for Inquisitive Minds          

PS / IS 270Q PTA

233-15 Merrick Blvd, Rosedale NY 11422

Tel: 718-341-8280 Fax: 718-341-5589

Parent - Teacher Association!!!


Date: Thursday, December 6, 2012

Time: 7:00PM Sharp!!!

 Place: Dining Hall

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Help our students make music!

You can help make a difference. Would you like to support our music department? Click on the link below and let's help our students raise money to get more instruments.

 Mr. Mosera, Music Teacher: Presently, the music program is short of musical supplies for the students. Middle school students have been playing guitars and the lower grades have been playing recorders. He then introduced to the membership an online program,, which enables anyone to contribute to a school’s specific request. Mr. Mosera requested the membership to donate any amount to the purchase of specific instruments requested by the school . Our school’s goal is to raise $1700.00 and once that goal is reached, the instruments will be delivered to the school. Mr. Mosera encouraged the membership to share the website information with all family and friends so that they can contribute as well. He also asked that the PTA include the information on any flyer's we send home with students.
Parents, let's show our new music teacher how we support our children. You've been starving for an entire year without a music teacher. We now have another great musician to teach our students. Lets give to the cause and replace some guitar strings, get some picks and introduce our students to different instruments. Our teachers are being creative in helping us raise funds through different avenues.
                                                    Let's make some music together!

Friday, November 30, 2012

November Meeting Minutes

The Gordon Parks School for Inquisitive Minds
P.S. /I.S. 270Q PTA
233-15 Merrick Boulevard, Rosedale, NY  11422
Principal, Chayvonne F. Harper
President, Kelli Coke
Assistant Principal, Lisa G. Allen
Assistant Principal, Rosalie Ambrosio
Parent Coordinator, Patricia Wheeler
Financial/Accountability Secretary, Gina Hampton
Payroll Secretary, Joanne Nix
Pupil Accounting Secretary, Scerento Washington
1st Vice President, Nicole Hammond
2nd Vice President, Terrance Credle
Treasurer, JoAnn Bute
Financial Secretary, Frank Griffith
Recording Secretary, Cecile Hilton
Corresponding Secretary, Florence Duggins
Our Motto:  TEAM:  Together Everyone Achieves More!

                                                                                  PTA Minutes

November 15, 2012

·         Meeting was called to order by President Kelli Coke at 7: 10pm. She welcomed everyone for coming out to the rescheduled meeting.  The membership recited the Pledge of Allegiance and was led in prayer by Corresponding Secretary Florence Duggins.  Mrs. Coke also asked the membership to keep all those deeply affected by Hurricane Sandy in their prayers and be able to lend a hand to those in need.

  • Reading of minutes:  Silent reading of minutes was done  by the parent body; motion to accept minutes as read by Beverly Austin and seconded by Lileith Smith

  • Financial Report:  Financial report was presented by Treasurer JoAnn Bute; motion to accept financial report by Michele May and seconded by Natalie Darby.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

4 More Years!!

Barack Obama
Onward & Upward


Congratulations Mr. President on four more years.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Superstorm Sandy

May God bless us and keep us safe from harm.

October 29- November 2, 2012 What a week!
We have witnessed again the strength and force of nature. Our hearts humbly go out to those that have been devastated by Sandy. Through the loss of your home, car, land, pets, memorabilia and power.
Even through all that is are still standing and that is the blessing. All things are replaceable but you, family, friends are not.

As we get back up again....with the gas shortage and price gouging, waiting for power and restoring food and finding shelter. It is always great to see communities helping each other in times like these.
Its almost ashamed that it takes such magnitude to get us to this human kindness.

School will be back in session tomorrow and we will slowly but surely get back to the business of living. Through all of this please get out and make your voice heard at Tuesday's election.

We wish you well and all are in our prayers.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reminder for November Meeting

The Gordon Parks School for Inquisitive Minds     P.S./I.S. 270Q    Parent – Teacher Association

Date: Thursday, November 15, 2012

Time: 7:00pm Sharp!!

Place: Dining Hall
***********************Upcoming Events In November************************

        Picture Day – Nov. 14, 2012 – Students are expected to wear their uniforms for individual and class pictures (Say cheese & don’t forget to SMILE!!)

·        TBA – Holiday Gifts & Treats Fundraiser 

·        School Leadership Team (SLT) – Nominations & Elections for 1 parent member vacancy

 ·        Membership Drive - $100 per family – Pay in full or pay in installments.

Your membership dues pay for future enrichment programs that will benefit ALL our students!!!

                                     YOUR DUES CAN DO A LOT!!!  

Friday, October 26, 2012

Character Day Dance


The children from K-3 certainly had a great time. In the end it was for them and that is what matters.
They were adorable in their "book" character costume that they were able to parade around the school in along with their character book at 12:15 in the afternoon.

At 2:40pm they were escorted into the lunchroom to start their festivities. It was kicked off with delicious pizza from our local Sammy's Pizza Shop on 226th & Merrick Blvd and Capri suns.
Once they got the pizza in their system it was hard trying to contain them for our scheduled activities.
Thank God for the whistles on Agent Ferdinand & Agent Austin...even Mrs Fishell!
After Musical Chairs and Independent Circle games ( Thanks Teachers (Mrs Lewis) & Parents).
Children danced to the music and were given treat bags to go home. Parents we thank you for picking up your kids promptly we only had to wait for 2 kids in the end.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Saturday morning on October 20th from 8am - 10am The Gordon Parks School P.S./I.S.270Q took over the Applebee's Restaurant in Green Acres Mall.

It was an overwhelming success! Literally, the manager shared that we were the largest turnout the restaurant has ever had with over 215 patrons.

Excellent Job to our Gordon Parks Family for supporting this terrific fundraiser and making it a great success!

We would like to thank General Manager Angel and his staff for their great hospitality.

Thank you to Principal Harper for coming out and mingling with the Gordon Parks Family. We also had Assistant Principal Ambrosio, Parent Coordinator Mrs.Wheeler and 1st grade Teacher Mrs.Paul there to support and join the festivities.

A special Thank you to our Parent Volunteers who were your servers for the morning.
We took lots of pictures so stay tune for the photo posts.
We had a special guest come out to support, Mrs.Lorraine Bridges. The PTA executive board appreciates everyones efforts in ensuring this morning was a great success!

With Gratitude,
The PTA Executive Board

Friday, October 5, 2012

Interim Financial Report JUNE 2011-2012

The Gordon Parks School
PS/IS 270Q
Parent Teacher Association
Interim Financial Report
For the Period June 24, 2011 to June 30, 2012
Account Balance as of June 24, 2011 $8,429.73
Membership Dues $2,050.00
Miss Chocolate Catalog Candy Sales $14,914.80
Miss Chocolate Cookie Dough $9,848.50
Miss Chocolate $1 Bar Candy Sales $4,129.25
Old Fashion $1.50 Candy Bar Sales $1,886.96
Character Day Dance $709.00
Scholastic Book Fair Sales $5,602.90
Snacks sold @ Dec 2011 PTA gen'l membership meeting $65.00
Irvin Simon School Photo Sales $1,857.89
Brain Show Admittance Fee Proceeds & Refreshments $420.00
GO Store Supplies $50.00
Denim & Diamonds Boatride (Ticket Sales, Beverages, Favor) $1,707.14
Bowling Trip for 6 & 7th Graders $1,180.00
Carnival for K-5 $1,322.85
Ned Show  $1,561.50
Transfer of Funds from Scholarship account $2,659.83
Donation for Plaque for Mrs. Andrews $25.00
Bake Sale $406.55
Interest accrued $0.95 $50,398.12
Total Income for the Period $58,827.85

Thursday, October 4, 2012

First PTA Meeting of 2012-2013 School Year

Tonight was an enormous turnout!

We hope that you continue coming out in full capacity. We had over 60 parents tonight and it was great to see our dining hall so full.

Our meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance and a prayer. There were tasty pastries & cakes on hand from Surrey Farms. The new setup of tables worked very well and allowed for great communication & interaction. Our Agenda was as follows:

                                                        *  Call to Order & Welcome   
                                               *  Pledge of Allegiance
                                   *  Introduction of Newly Elected Executive Board Members

Monday, October 1, 2012

Membership Drive 2012-2013

*This membership drive letter was sent home via the students & discussed during PTA meeting.

                                                                                                          October 4, 2012


Dear Parents,

Welcome back, Welcome back, Welcome back! To all new parents & guardians joining us we
Welcome You to your first year at The Gordon Parks School for Inquisitive Minds.
 An excellent choice for your child's education.
On that note,this letter is coming to you for our 2012-2013 Membership Drive. We want to thank those parents & guardians that gave their support last year. We were able to raise $2050.00. Unfortunately, it was not nearly enough to subsidize the cost of the wish list of our school with the programs and educational items they wanted put in place. As you know we were able to accomplish a lot, however it mostly came from outside resources and fundraisers.

As we canvassed for money for programs for our school to our community and district leaders the constant question asked was, “where are the efforts of the parents?” In the book of excellence, there is no replacement for effort.

Excellence is the standard we want for our school this year.
Excellence in leadership, administration, academics, teachers, students and us... the parents. Let our efforts this year rise above our excuses.

We are asking for $100.00 per family to support our school and fill the financial gap

Monday, September 24, 2012

President's Welcome Letter

The Gordon Parks School for Inquisitive Minds
PS/IS 270Q
233-15 Merrick Boulevard, Rosedale, NY  11422
Principal, Chayvonne F. Harper
President, Kelli Coke
Assistant Principal, Lisa G. Allen
Assistant Principal, Rosalie Ambrosio
Parent Coordinator, Patricia Wheeler
Financial/Accountability Secretary, Gina Hampton
Payroll Secretary, Joanne Nix
Pupil Accounting Secretary, Scerento Washington
1st Vice President, Nicole Hammond
2nd Vice President, Terrance Credle
Treasurer, JoAnn Bute
Financial Secretary, Frank Griffith
Recording Secretary, Cecile Hilton
Corresponding Secretary, Florence Duggins
Our Motto:  TEAM:  Together Everyone Achieves More!
Dear School Community of Parents, Guardians & Teachers:
Welcome, Gordon Parks Family!  As embark on a new school year under the leadership of our new principal, the PTA welcomes all new parents/guardians and extends our sincere appreciation to our remaining parents/guardians for their continued support in the enrichment of our children’s educational environment. We look forward to working with each and every one to fulfill our children’s hopes of academic achievement.
 Our first Parent Teacher Association General Membership Meeting will be on Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 7pm, SHARP in the Dining Room.  We expect the same level of turnout as for “Know Your School Night”!!!  We can only accomplish what we set out to do if all of us work together and contribute whatever we can and in any capacity!  At this meeting, we will detail further all the goals and objectives we hope to accomplish with your support!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Know Your School Night

P.S./I.S.270Q "Know Your School Night" was a success!
Our Principal Harper was informative and excited for this new school year. The entire teaching staff was present and introduced in segments with the Assistant Principals Ambrosio & Allen following up on the designed plan of action for the year.

Parents, Parents, Parents your turnout tonight was awesome! We pray that this is what the PTA can look forward to at this years meetings. We had a minimum of 300 parents & guardians show up!

Our PTA President Kelli Coke gave a warm welcome & overview. The PTA was excited to introduce ourselves to you and ready to advocate on your behalf and be of service. We also introduced the suggested increase in membership dues and gave the reasons why it is so important for the enrichment of our school. The golden flyer that was given to you details the wonderful activities as well as programs that were accomplished during the 2011-2012 school year. We look forward to your continued support and for our new parents we welcome you and your support.

Save The Dates:
October 4, 2012  Thursday @7pm - Our first PTA meeting of the year.
October 8, 2012 Monday - School Closed Columbus Day
October 20, 2012 Saturday @ 8am- Applebee's Breakfast Fundraiser $12 tickets.

Looking Forward To An Educationally Successful Year.

The PTA Executive Board

Nicole Hammond|1st Vice President

Welcome Parents!! 2012-2013

Hello Parents!!
We are so excited that you stopped by our new information site. We look forward to a great year. We are also excited about our new form of communicating with you!
More to Come........

Ok fresh off the "Know Your School Night" I wanted to come back to share with you the reasons why this blog was created.
  • To inform you quickly and directly as things happen in our childrens school.
  • To create a dialogue through comments, replys & email.
  • To give you a voice.
  • To promote participation in school activities.
  • To ensure that ALL parents & guardians are aware and abreast of ALL school Handouts!
  • For you to have insight direct from our Principal Harper through her blog post.
  • For you to express your concerns, vent your gripes & give your praise!
We hope you come back often and see the progression of the blog. We welcome your feedback and your suggestions to make this an effective form of communication.

The PTA Executive Board

Nicole Hammond|1st Vice President